We are really excited that you are considering St Andrew’s Anglican Church Summer Hill as a place to get married.
If you are at home in the Inner West getting married might also be the perfect time to connect with your local Summer Hill Village church.
Here are some more details you may find helpful.
The St Andrew’s church building in Summer Hill is a beautiful heritage listed building (built in 1881) available for weddings on Saturdays throughout the year.
We have two time slots for weddings on Saturdays - the Morning (10:00am to 11:30am) and the Afternoon (1pm to 2:30pm).
You will have access to the building from 90 minutes before the start time of the ceremony. You will have access to the building for up until 90 minutes after the start time of the ceremony. (You will be told if another wedding has already booked the alternate slot on the same day. Another prior booking may impact the possible start time for your ceremony).
We are happy to explore the possibility of having your own minister conduct your wedding. However, we’ll ask your minister to provide us with an example of the liturgy (Introduction, Vows, Prayers) they intend to use.
The usual cost for a wedding is a $1,950 donation. This money is used to maintain the building and furnishings, to prepare the building for the wedding, and to pay for the Verger who will open the building and run the sound desk on your wedding day.
We also have a herritage Church Hall (with a Kitchen) beside the Church building that can be hired as a venue for the serving of refreshments or to hold a reception (an additional fee of $450). We can provide 8-10 tressle tables for the serving of food and drinks. See photos below of the hall set up for a reception using externally hired tables/chairs.
For people who live further away we encourage them to connect with a local Anglican church and then make the building available for use by that church.
See the FAQ for weddings for more info.
We conduct a limited number of weddings each year, please use this form to indicate your interest in getting married at Summer Hill Church and come and visit us soon.