Built in 1881, St Andrew’s is a great example of Neo-Gothic style architecture.
141 years ago the first pastor of the church, John Vaughan, planted the church and established a thriving, Bible-based church in the suburb of Summer Hill, Sydney.
The church building has three distinctive internal arches, and was designed by Alexander Leckie Elphinstone Junior. The foundation stone was laid in 1883, and the top of the spire completed in 1906. The fast construction period, unusual for that time, was indicative of the area's affluence.
St Andrews Summer Hill, ca. 1900-1927 Source: State Library of New South Wales
Interested in getting married at St Andrew’s Summer Hill?
We have a hall and meeting rooms for hire. Find out about using these spaces.
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Bank account details
BSB: 032 044
Acc No. 380689
Bank: Westpac Sydney
Account name: St Andrew’s Anglican Church
(please email details of the transaction and a postal address so a tax deductible receipt can be sent to you)
To give by cash or cheque, as above but placed in an envelope marked "Conservation Appeal" with cheques made out to "St Andrew’s Anglican Church Conservation Appeal". Please include a postal address to be provided with a receipt.