Thinking of joining us for a Sunday Service?

Each Sunday our doors are open to everyone. Whether you’re thinking of returning to church, or it’s a completely new experience for you, we’d love to welcome you along to our little patch of Summer Hill village.

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morning church - 9.30am

Morning Church is a weekly service for all ages. Each Sunday we meet at 9.30am and hear the Bible read & taught. We are lead in a time of prayer, we sing, and enjoy a morning tea following after the service.

It is not difficult to join in, but you are also very free to simply sit and soak it in.

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evening church - 6.00pm

Evening Church is a mixed service for adults (from the youngest to oldest). We meet at 6.00pm - everyone is welcome!
While we don’t have a children’s program during the service all little ones are welcome to come along with you.

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kids church - During 9:30am service

We love having kids and families with us. Each Sunday we provide a program for all children between 6 months old and year 8 at school to hear about Jesus.

During School Term:

Children begin by sitting with parents or caregivers in the main church building and then exit for an age-appropriate program early during the service.

During School Holidays:

We still run a simple program for younger children during the school holidays. However, youth of high school age are provided in-service activities to engage in if they wish.

Throughout the year we hold post-service lunches and dinners that all are welcome to attend. Sometimes we hold the meals inside the building. At other times it is a more informal BBQ in the forecourt.